Unable to Load Workbook – MOSS 2007

29 Oct

We had a user upload an Excel document and when I opened it, it worked fine but when other users opened it they received the following:


The workbook that you selected cannot be loaded because it contains the following features that are not supported by Excel Services:

Comments, ActiveX controls, Shapes, Text Boxes, Pictures, WordArt, Clip Art, Embedded OLE objects, Ink Annotations, Forms Toolbar controls, Control Toolbox controls, Charts that are part of a group, Signature Lines, or Camera objects

Contact the workbook author.

This really threw me off but ultimately what I found was that the Excel spreadsheet was created in Office 2007 with the .xlsx extension and the users having issues were trying to open it in Office 2003. It’s a very simple solution to a weird SharePoint issue. Another solution if this is not your issue is that IE is opening the document via the Web Browser instead of directly through Excel. If so, check your Internet Options and Programs list to see what the default program those file types are opening in.

I did find that there are certain things that aren’t compatible with SharePoint using Excel such as external data tables but the only good info I could find on this was to convert them to pivot tables and they should work although I have not tested this. Here is a link for the following error:

The workbook that you selected cannot be loaded because it contains the following features that are not supported by Excel Services:

External data ranges (also called data ranges)

Contact the workbook author.

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Posted by on October 29, 2009 in SharePoint Common Issues


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